Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good news and bad news...

Yep, there it is. As promised. Not a great pic as I had to put my shutter speed to 1/1.3 to get enough light, but then I didnt feel like setting up my tripod. Oh, to have external flashes....But I digress. Isnt it beautiful? I cant wait to put it up on the wall, once we figure out which ones we will use and where we will put them. In the meantime, this beauty is sitting on the hutch in plain view. :)
So, dog is at boot camp. And while its quiet and peaceful in our household without her, it definitely feels like someone is missing. It will be a nice break, but she will be missed.
Worst news of today: we had to find the nearest open dive of a place (as most laundromats are Im sure), and Jonno took the stinky load of nappies to get washed. In the meantime, Cade is in sposies. Ugh. We arent sure whether to pay the several hundred dollars to get it fixed, or to bite the bullet and get a new washer/dryer set as our dryer is on the way out as well. I hate making decisions about expensive purchases.
And the best news of today: I lost another kilo, just 4 days after my last weigh-in, so Im looking forward to Thurs to see what the official loss for the week is. I think the key this time around is the fact that Im not focused on the weight loss. Ive changed what Im eating, Im exercising. But, Im not dwelling on what I cant have/do. Im too busy for that...
Might actually get Jonno to take some photos of me times.
**I apologise for the formatting. I cant for the life of me get the paragraphs set up correctly, grrr**

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