Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday's 7.

7.00pm - start to write blog.

7.01pm - get called away to feed hungry mouths, catch up on Bubhub forum (of which I have been neglecting of late), have arguement with husband.

9.45pm - return to blog, start writing.

9.48pm - get up to waken baby, spend 20 minutes getting him back to sleep (his sleeping issues could fill a blog of its own!)

10.10pm - attempt #3. Here we go....

I have survived the last few days...barely. My legs ache, I am exhausted, and there is still more to do tonight. But, I like being absolutely spent...sleep seems deeper (as deep as possible with a co-sleeping 7-month old, who likes to eat all night) and the feeling of accomplishment is satisfying to say the least. Im stealing this idea from a couple of other blogs I have seen and as Im almost too tired to go into the details of this last week, here are the highlights (Sunday's 7):

1. Lost another 1.8kg as of last Thursday (enter dancing emoticon here). Got to the gym on Thurs, and will go again on Tues, but my attempt to squeeze in a workout over the weekend was unsuccessful unfortunately.

2. I have decided to go into birth photography (see previous blog), and already have a couple of people asking for my very amateur services (which will be for free of course until my portfolio is built). I hope it works out. My biggest concern is childcare, but if its meant to be, I know that it will work out in the end. My doula, Anna, said that over the last 7 years of her being a doula, childcare has always worked out with the last-minute nature of childbirth, so that is encouraging.

3. After about 3 months of not being rostered to sing (for reasons unknown), I was finally rostered to sing this first time out at the southwest campus. It was wonderful. I forget sometimes that I am actually called to sing...called to lead others in worship of our King, and when I get to step back into that, it feels like home. My voice issues are another matter, and I was reminded of the fact that I am going to have to investigate it further in the near future.

4. Rental inspection, the bane of my existance over this last week with trying to get the house cleaned for it, went off without a hitch, and we were able to talk to the agent about seeing if strata will allow us to cut down the piece of crap tree in the backyard, which has so far sabotaged our 2 attempts to grow a lawn back there. Oh, how I long for a decent backyard...

5. Washing machine broken, and we still dont know what we are going to do about it. I think we are leaning toward buying a Whirlpool (washing machine and dryer, since the dryer is on its way out as well), with a 5-year warranty...Im getting desperate. And the worst part is Cade has to endure disposables because of it...

6. Save Birth Choices Rally tomorrow in Canberra!!! We will be there, rain or shine, with our little signs :)

I will go into more detail about it tomorrow night after the rally (or Tues), but Im hoping and praying we will have the numbers and the support needed to make changes to the proposed legislation. And of course, thats my gorgeous Cade in there with me...
7. I must include a couple of photos from our park shoot with Joelle and Leah...I know I keep adding Leahs pics, but until Im good enough to include my own, I will keep posting them as a) shes amazing and b) I want her to get good exposure (not like many people read this blog of course). So, here are a few of Carter and Cade:
Ok, enough. Time to take my own photos...thanks Leah for indulging me in photographing my beautiful boys. Truly grateful. :)

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