Thursday, August 20, 2009

The magic number.




Ugh. 125kg. Or in more scary terms, 275pounds. Bloody hell. Still not quite my highest weight, but certainly near enough. I can make all the excuses in the world...mostly something along the lines of having to remain inactive months after my c/s to heal, having to sit to breastfeed, having a clingy baby who needs to be held all day. But, if Im honest with myself, I would say that it was comforting using those excuses to justify my lack of motivation with getting healthy. And of course, being a mum, quick and convenience is the name of the game. Takeaway is always easier than cooking a meal with a baby screaming to be held, a 3 year old climbing the walls, and a hubby who doesnt get home until after 7 to help with it all.

Enough excuses.

I have a starting point, a baseline. I am getting bloodwork done on Saturda to check my cholesterol levels, etc and will be doing measurements and pictures in the next couple of days. Perhaps the combination will scare me enough to keep with this.

Day 1 of Operation Sexy completed. Didnt get to go to the gym thanks to a sick bub, but got to the store to stock up on healthy sustenance, and did well with my eating.

125kg WILL become 125lb.


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